We distinguish three different grammatical genders: male (der), female (die), and neuter (das).
der Mond,
die Sonne,
das Glück,
der See,
die See, das Meer
The grammatical genders do not refer to any real distinctions:
a neuter noun may be biologically female (das Fräulein), may be animate and human (das Kind),
or not human (das Kamel).
For every single noun, you will have to learn the proper article by heart.
Der, die, das are the definite articles (the),
ein, eine, ein the indefinite ones (a/an).
Please note: In German the nouns always begin with a capital letter.
The pronoun "ich" (I/me) does not.
Compound nouns are always attached to each other. Gender, case and number are defined by the last word.
If you can not find a word in the dictionary, you will have to analyze it.
der Buchsucher: "seeker of books"
die Buchsuchertherapie
die Buchsuchertherapeutenschule
der Buchsuchertherapeutenschuldirektor
die Buchsuchertherapeutenschuldirektorentochter
Try with Husserl: "Bewusstseinszusammenhang", "Andersbestimmung", "Horizontintentionalitäten".