die Negation

Natural languages have their own ways of negation.
Sometimes it is very unlike to what logicians say.
Some languages, like French and Italian, request double negations. German does not.
But ordinary language negation rests strange all the same.
As you have seen, unschön is one possible negation of schön, but you will not get your schön back by negating unschön. You will rather get nicht unschön which means, well, something like: not too bad.
As L.E.J. Brouwer, the intuitionist mathematician, asked:
"What is the negation of 'I love you'?"
I do not love you? I do not love you any more? I do not love you yet?
For sure we have to admit that Hegel's way of treating the question has its own right,
and that it is very near to our everyday linguistic experience. At the end of this chapter we will take a look on how he works.

die Verneinung

Zwei Sätze von Feuerbach


Easy Reader: Die Untoten ...
diese Leute sind nicht tot, aber sie leben auch nicht ...