True story about Untermenschen

Some years ago, I used to work at a Dutch University College, American style. The philosophy professor there indeed was American, and he offered two courses, named Great Thinkers I and II. To me these course titles sounded like Brand outlet: the teacher offered guaranteed big names for little efforts.

One of his students once presented Nietzsche in my humble language course.
He explained Nietzsche was famous for having created the terms Übermensch and Untermensch, the Nazi word for their victims.
In reality, Nietzsche had used the word only once, talking about dwarfs and fairies and demons.
I tried to correct the erroneous idea, but my student was absolutely sure.
Apparently, his philosophy professor had not taught him doubt.

Later on I had the opportunity of talking to this instructor personally. To me it became evident that he himself never had read Nietzsche, not even Zarathustra. He limited his activity on talking about it.

Never trust who offers Great thinkers, low prizes and little effort.