Biographien der Wahnsinnigen, Christian Heinrich Spieß

You will immediately understand a sentence like "Ich hätte gern eine Bratwurst, wenn es geht", if you only know the words "ich" and "Bratwurst". Textbook writers as well as you work on a "ordinary people in an ordinary world" assumption. You know what to expect. In our textbooks, nobody would say: "My left foot is slowly becoming a Bratwurst".
If sentences like this were possible, that is: Working without the ordinary world assumption, you had to understand not only every single word, but also the structure of the sentence.
In the following pages, you will try to construct sentences from

crazy people, from lunatics ...

Christian Heinrich Spieß, in 1796, has collected and narrated the stories of some of these poor people. We will work with simplified versions of his stories.

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